Sunday, January 28, 2007

001: What I hope to see and do in France

It would be cliché to say that I want to see everything possible while in Paris, but I really want to. At least see as much as I can while there.

This is my fourth time on a plane and I’m still nervous when planes take off and are dangling high in the air. My heart feels as though it’s slammed against the seat and my breathing quickens and my teeth grind the gum into flat pancakes hoping it’d stop my ears from popping like balloons. I will take this time to make a formal apology to the person who will be sitting next to me on the plane for leaving fingernail marks in their skin. I’m kidding! Or maybe not. My mind gets loopy when I go through different elevations and I forget quite a bit.

So. France. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, The Louvre, Versailles, Disneyland Paris (omg!!!!!) and much, much more – I’m so excited to see all of them.

I want to gaze upon Paris from high atop the Eiffel Tower and pretend I can fly. I want to look down and get a migraine from the height. I want to feel sick and great at the same time and wish I can never leave.

I want to see the Notre Dame and break my neck looking up at the beautiful ceilings and walls and stain glass windows and maybe find a piece of religion.

I want to look at paint drops that formed themselves into breathtaking paintings at the Louvre. Feel Mona Lisa’s not quite there smile. Let the beauty in Venus de Milo leave pin pricks in my skin. To watch the Lion pin the Serpent to the ground.

I want to walk upon the Bushes in Chateau of Versailles and be in wonder at each cone shape, each preciously shaped lawn, each walkway.

I want to walk upon the streets at night and let the moon guide my steps. I want to see this 'City of Light' dressed up in all its' best.

I want to see as much as I can.

The most nerve wracking thing for me is the art of film and editing it to fit what makes the eye’s mind proud. I haven’t at all done any editing and am excited to learn how to do so (my future Youtube videos are unbelievably happy).

The other thing I’m happy to learn is how to do a podcast. The only experience I have with it are The Onion’s and Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant’s ones.

My finger has an issue of constantly pushing down on the shutter button of my camera and taking a whole lot of pictures. I take pictures of graffiti, shoes, the sky, broken television sets - anything that I find beautiful – which is a whole of things.

I’m way to excited about this learning experience and can’t wait to embark on a journey I will never forget.

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Paris oh Paris

First post. I don't know what I'm more excited for: going to Paris or finally learning to edit a short film piece. Ok, Ok - probably Paris, but film editing is something that I always wanted to learn to do and now I get a chance to learn how to do so. Which means that I can stop uploading horrible Youtube videos and actually give pizzazz to them.
